Monday, 21 November 2011

D and AD evaluation.


We were asked to come up with an idea that makes more people use internet explorer, draws people away from the sites we use everyday and go to some of the less mainstream sites. We were also asked to try and link these to our everyday life's. After we have finished coming up with our idea we then had to present it to everyone else in the group.

This tasked has helped me to improve my presentation skills and my design cycle skills. It helped me find and think of designs far more quickly and help me make concepts out of little ideas. This could be very useful to my course, because we normally try to think of ideas and make concepts out of them.

I think the assignment was very hard, it is difficult to make a person browse sites that are very irrelevant to their lives, whats the point?

I think Microsoft don't understand that it is not the browsers fault that people are not exploring the web, its the websites themselves, they suck....

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