Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Digital Collage

Digital Collage

 Today we were asked to create a digital collage in groups of two with the theme of Carnival.

We put loads of images that you would associate with a carnival together and then faded them so they don't stand out as well we then cut the letters out of different types of paper to spell the word carnival.
I feel this worked well because it gave it a very rugged effect instead of just typing the word carnival.

We used quite a few techniques while creating our work the main technique we used was a simple copy and paste of images. We then changed the hue and satiation of the images and changed the opacity so there slightly faded and then we added a texture to it and mask round the outside of the images.

If I had to do the same collage again I would probably change the background and make the colour more muted so it doesn't shows up quote so much.

Here is my first attempt at a digital collage I made this collage by putting together a series of pictures that I took around Bristol and blending them together to make the effect that there one image.

Today we had to re-create a collage following a tutorial just below shows the original and my attempt at recreating it.




Collage Research

The artist has ripped images out of books and magazines and then he has stuck the images together in a way so when you look at it from a distance it makes a picture.

The artist I think first got a watered down paint and put it on the canvas to make the back ground  
the artist has then got a picture and put it on top of the watered down paint then I think the artist splashed a thick oil paint over it to give it it some slight 3D. 

When I look at this collage it looks like a series of techniques have been used but I think the main technique used is just a simple overlaying of images.

The artist has got a image of someone and put a some natural images (trees,sea and rocks) over the top of it and masking it together so it looks like its one picture.

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

eco engineering

eco engineering

eco engineering is a engineering company I came up with and designed a logo for.
Before I designed my logo I looked at other engineering companies and the logo's they have.
Here are just a few of the logo I looked at.

Before I made my logo I also looked different fonts for the type on my logo.
Then after I looked at fonts and other logo's I started drawing ruff logo's before I came up with my final idea.

Below I show my two final logo's I did two because I wasn't sure on which font I liked the most.
In the end I went for the logo I show first.

Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Image Manipulation

For this task we were asked to create a picture by putting more then one image together to create the illusion that the image is real life.

The image I made had a total of 4 images a jungle, a crane, some smoke and a water pipe my final image is:

My Collage

Today we were asked to make our own collage using pictures that we took before from around Bristol.
Here is my collage. (no finished)

Wednesday, 1 February 2012



For this task we were asked to follow a set of instructions and create some of our own typography
Heres the first one that we did by following the instructions.

Then we had a go at making our own with out following any instructions.
Heres my final outcome.

Today in our typography class we were asked to choose one quote or more and create an image on photoshop a lot like the one's above.

Below are my 3 final pieces.

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Haiku Poem's

For this exercise we were asked to pick one Haiku poem and change it 3 times progressively getting more experimental. We were not allowed to change what the poem said only the appearance.

In my first attempt I was not very experimental and I didn't really change much.
In my Second attempt you can see i'm already getting a lot more experimental.
In my third Haiku poem I just went wild and changed almost every think completely changing the appearance.